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We are delighted to present a sneak peek of the exceptional photographs submitted through our Call for Entry. These exceptional images will be prominently featured in our upcoming exhibition at the Edinburgh Photographic Society. We invite you to explore this showcase as we continue to honor the outstanding work of our photographers during the call's duration.







01 Kip Harris 01.jpg
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Xeder, Iran

Kip Harris. The slips of paper
pinned to the wall are receipts from
faithful who have made
contributions to the Temple.

Ypatia Kornarou. Numbers contain
the anonymity of a quantitative
record. Focus on the vulnerability
of human individuality from birth to 


XEDER. Living together for over 30
years leads to a playfully and
paradoxically caring and conflictual,
suffocating and liberating





world of 
magic/world of 



Clair Robins , United Kingdom


Clair Robins , United Kingdom

Matteo Rea 1.jpg

Clair Robins , United Kingdom

Daria Carlucci. There is something
in numbers, that cannot be found in
words. For example, words can’t be
lucky or unlucky, but numbers can.
Learning numbers might be like a
first chapter to a new magical

Clair Robins. Almost all parents and
children in year 6 at primary school
will have had many discussions
about SATs. You will hear very
mixed opinions about the
importance, relevance and if they
are essential, and if so to whom?


Matteo Rea. In India, the decimal
numbering system was born, and
the present arithmetic would not
have existed if there had not been
Indian philosophers.







16 LLEGADA ultima imagen.jpj.DNG
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Ana Belén Fernández García, Spain

Ademola Akinlaba. Streets trading is
one of the oldest form of trade and
business in Nigeria. It always involved
two people selling the same things and
moving along together.


Medusa. On vous compte en mesure
Mais combien de graines êtes-vous
On vous met en volume
Mais combien de perte subissons-nous


Diwaker Redhu. I started noticing that
the numbers have always been all
around me & play a hugely important
role in managing chaos of our social







12 David J Greer_1.jpg

David Greer, Scotland


Xeder, Iran


 Guldana Tauassar, Kazakhstan

David Greer. "The #401 rule of a
relationship” is " Someone who really
loves you sees what a mess you can
be, how moody you can get, how hard
you are to handle, but still wants you”.


Xeder. I put in tension organic matter,
life and its forces in relation with
devices and structuring power central
to modernity/industrialisation and its
regimes of instrumentation and


Guldana Tauassar. you need to look
for similar shapes in objects instead of
ready-made numbers. The number 5,
is complex and consists of three
objects at the same time: an iron pillar,
a plastic pipe and a shadow on the










Xeder, Iran

Sonia Gouveia. Me + metric =
Me-tric. While the exact nature of
numbers contrasts with the
subjectivity of human experience, we
are still identified through them, as
document numbers, indices,
measurements, grades, followers, and



Xeder. I am hoping that these
encounters lead to the release of ideas
and energies that help us feel in more
existential/fundamental ways how
these various co-optations and
tensions are affecting and defining us.









Karim Abid, Tunisia

Favio Ruesta. At some point, life led
me to get away from social media, a
detox from screen time. My rule is: my
own watches, my own pictures. Some
shots took many hours, others just a


Nathalie Clavijo. (Karim Abid)

manifestation in the mundane, in the
expressions of infants, and even in the
indifference that has given rise to the
development of neo-liberal
individualistic behaviour. Who are
you? there exists an intangible sense
of being in the right place, a sentiment
or a status that defies verbalization.



Ypatia Kornarou. Technology
increasingly affects and leads man to
isolation and the non-existence of a
"numerical identity".








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Ypatia Kornarou. “Body No Body”, has
drawn its inspiration from the daily life
of modern lifestyle in western culture,
where its approach is mainly focused
on satisfying social expectations and
meeting material needs.



Marie-Chloé Duval. The relationship
between what is visibly accessible and
what is blocked, what we perceive and
what we imagine. I propose to the
observer to create his own
interpretation of what is hidden
beyond the first glance








Evgeniya Strygina_From the series _Pendulum__01.jpg
Evgeniya Strygina_From the series _Pendulum__02.jpg
88 Empty for full-Lise Van de Wynckele-1.jpg

Van De Wynckele, Italia

39 JianLuo_GroupLiving.jpg
70 László Vidók - 0213.jpg

Lise Van De Wynckele. A fusion
has been created between the terms
needs, development, progress and
growth. We have gone from the commonman to the needy man, as each of us accepts our dependent condition.
The need has even been created remotely, with the complicity of the web
and multinationals.


Jian Luo. When population numbers reach a certain threshold, the
social consequences they bring about
become more significant than the
quantitative results obtained through
simple arithmetic. The relevance of
traditional demographic numbers and
family demographics is being questioned. Where will our world be led by megacities


Evgeniya Strygina. The
construction conveyor belt tirelessly
produces identical residential buildings,
with new neighborhoods being completed in a matter of months, even
though they have little to offer in terms
of labor and employment, forcing lots ofpeople to live a life of a pendulum. Your home does not feel like "a place"


László Vidók.

I only photograph in black and white, I try to show people the colorfulness and beauty of our world even without colors.






for the 



52 Abhay_Patel_01.jpg

Polina Schneider. my desire to process the deaths of my great-great-grandparents, Ethel and Moishe Lemlech during the Shoah. They were only two people among 6 million. The number of 6 million people is simply too abstract to be comprehended. I spend one week daily 8-9 hours in the museum and around the Mount Herzl area. Being exposed to the cruelty of World War II and having my great-great-parents story to tell gave me some nightmares at home.


Judith Le Roux. I work through the dresses and some characters and elements the passage of time, the generational theme, the family lineage, the spaces in dialogue with that passage of time and the idea of memory and recollection. Everything is number, everything is linked to the passage of time and in quantitative terms.



Abhay Patel. In your school life grades represent your status and your further assistance while doing the work after school or higher studies, there is always the chase to the fact that numbers can only solve your equations of life and studies, every time our parents tell us about to get higher number/grades to get a bette understanding and to secure your future. After schooling even if we are doing Job, Business, even if we are an artist. In every field numbers are the representation of your status, value, or class.





Unaccountable for


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68 Victoria Zaitseva 1.jpg
9 LLEGADA 4.jpg

Ana Belén Fernández García, Spain


Xeder, Iran

Camila Hermes. I took inventory
of the waste we ourselves produce and
leave behind. These are images of the
coast of Rio Grande do Sul, but they
could be from anywhere. Garbage has
become a huge problem among us.
It could be the solution. It’s time to
realize that “throwing away” doesn’t
exist. Everything is “inside”. After all, we all live on the same planet Earth.


Medusa, (photo Ana Belén Fernández García). These prints narrators of tales
Emerge only when memory starts to fade, Washed anew, with each rhythmic tide Mighty sea that does.


Victoria Zaitseva. Numbers often provide valuable insights and enhance our understanding. In life, when lacking general information, numbers can serve
as a means to fill the knowledge gap.


Xeder. I threw away this plum because it didn't match the good taste of Sardinians. It leaves a stain, where
industry still leaves its traces







Diwakar Redhu-2.jpg
57 Afternoon on terraced fields - Nguyen Xuan Tinh.jpg

Xuan Tinh Nguyen, Vietnam


Diwaker Redhu. Everything I read or
hear is instantly interpreted in my
brain as an image - something which I
like to think helps with my
photography (but somewhat limits my
capacity to piece together complex
abstract narratives).


Xuan Tinh Nguyen. Although the
highlanders in Yen Bai Vietnam are still
poor, the people here know how to
overcome themselves to bring about a
prosperous life. With their hands and
diligence, they have created the most
beautiful staircase in the world.


Ieva Blazeviciute. The last rays of the
sun illuminating the forest in almost
alien looking shapes, never-ending
patterns and the last glimpses of the
ending day.








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Soroush Khazraeializadeh 7.jpg

Tobin Sparling. There exists an enticing strata of increasing wildlife when venturing away from a city. Each encounter with a wild animal becomes even more of an adventure when the city fades into the distance.

Soroush Khazraeializadeh.

I unintentionally seek rhythm and order when looking for photographic frames
in my adventures. How sometimes a
specific number of objects can create
the perfect setup, and how sometimes
you get lost in the setup while trying
to find the perfect number.







97 Harsha Vadlamani 01.jpg
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Karim Abid, Tunisia

Polina Schneider. The relationship between what is visibly accessible and what is blocked, what we perceive and what we imagine. I propose to the observer to create his own interpretation of what is hidden beyond the first glance


Nathalie Clavijo, (photo Karim Abid). Duerme, duerme negrito: your bodies are political… Y si negro no se duerme, Viene el diablo blanco (And if little black boy doesn’t fall asleep The White devil comes).. Duerme, duerme negrito: your bodies are political…

Harsha Vadlamani. I explore the
many inequalities that influence
migration, health and the
environment, with a particular focus
on rural and indigenous communities
across India.


Diwakar Redhu. I have
always been a literal thinker, meaning I
interpret what other people say based
on the actual meaning of the words.
Added to this literal tendency is my
dominance as a visual thinker.
Everything I read or hear is instantly
interpreted in my brain as an image.







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Alexander Vinnik, Georgia

Alexander Vinnik. There is
not much to say about this picture. My
friend parked here randomly, and I
took a shot.


Matteo Rea. In the afternoon we took Hindi lessons of which I only remember the numbers, and that music echoes sometimes in my memories, ek do teen chaar paanch chhah…and it’s a great music!”





(the) other




Sonia Gouveia, Brazil


László Vidók, Magyarország

Sonia Gouveia. The Me-tric
series challenges us to reflect on the
ability of numbers to translate the
complexity of human experience and
the importance of finding a balance
between metrics and human
subjectivity so that we can rediscover
our true identity.


Xeder, Iran

László Vidók. I try to show people the colorfulness and beauty of our world even without colors.


Medusa, Spain (photo Xeder). Whether it is a tear or a ray of light, it is one and will remain one. Whether it is my eye or your skin, it is one and will remain one. Whether it is a an instant or an eternity, it is only one and will remain one.

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