Travelling exhibition
Shortlisted works will garner significant online recognition through our website and our social media platforms, notably Instagram.
Furthermore, the exceptional creations of our shortlisted candidates will be prominently featured at our physical exhibitions in Edinburgh, and we are in the process of finalizing additional exhibition venues in, Tunis then Barcelona and various other Attracting cities, with announcements coming soon.
Exhibition at the Edinburgh Photographic Society

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Exhibition Venue: Edinburgh Photographic Society
Dates: October 20th to November 5th, 2023
Address: 68 Great King Street, Edinburgh's 'New Town' (Edinburgh, Scotland)
If you want visit our Online Edinbrugh Photographic Society Exhibition,
Please click: here

Opening Ceremony moments
(Special thanks to our ceremony volunteers: Shumin Zheng, Yue Pan, Xiaoqing Chen)